Imaging Diffuse Liver Disease – Part I
by Pierre Vassallo MD PhD FACA Artz fur Radiologie Consultant Radiologist Diffuse parenchymal hepatic diseases usually represent a failure in a hepatic metabolic pathway and can be categorized as storage, vascular, and inflammatory diseases. This article discusses the role of computed tomography (CT),…
Management of localised renal cell cancer
by Pierre Vassallo – Renal cell cancer (RCC) is common, and its incidence is increasing due to increasing exposure to risk factors which include tobacco use, hypertension and obesity.
New Developments in Breast Cancer Detection
by Pierre Vassallo – Imaging options for breast cancer detection have changed significantly over time. There are two goals that drive technological change in breast cancer imaging: a. improvement in diagnostic accuracy and b. reduction in radiation exposure to the breast.
Imaging Breast Implant Rupture – Part 1
Dr Pierre Vassallo – Breast augmentation is the most common form of cosmetic surgery performed today.