Carpometacarpal Osteoarthritis on the Thumb
Mr Alistair Pace
By Francesco Carelli Professor Family Medicine, Milan and Rome
By Francesco Carelli, University of Milan
Michelle Muscat
Wed 30-Dec-2020 General Comments: Since there has not been any significant ill reactions up to now to this vaccine in people on anticoagulants and those with bleeding disorders, receiving this vaccine outweighs the risks and is considered to be safe. The main potential contraindication is…
By Francesco Carelli – Professor Family Medicine in Milan, Rome “I have never been sparing of my energy in my life. Now I’ve arrived at the limit, and now I know how one should create pictures that are “fine”, “strong”, “dynamic”. An enigma must once…
By Prof. Francesco Carelli – Professor University of Milan and Campus Biomedico Rome Constructivism represents a shift from education based on behaviorism to education based on cognitive theory.
Francesco Carelli, University of Milan For Tullio Crali (1910-2000) Futurism was not just a school of painting but an attitude to life itself.
Francesco Carelli , University of Milan – Courses Organiser and Evaluator In the first survey in Milan ( city / town ) Cariplo Fundation found 14.000 students having no access to devices and connections in everyday life.
Teaching and learning with Kasimir Malevich – By Francesco Carelli ( and Matteo ), Professor of Family Medicine, Milan , Rome