Dr Andrea Saliba
Resident Specialist Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Andrea Saliba was born in Australia, studied medicine and surgery at the University of Malta and was awarded an MD in 2011. She started practicing medicine at Mater Dei Hospital, Malta and following her foundation doctor years she started her psychiatry training with Mental Health Services, Malta in 2013. She completed her psychiatric training in 2018 with a focus on child and adolescent psychiatry and having done one year training in the North East of England. Andrea Saliba combines clinical practice together with research and teaching related to psychiatry in Malta and also while training in the UK. She works as a child and adolescent psychiatrist with Mental Health Services, Malta working in the community and in-patient teams. She is a visiting lecturer at the University of Malta and is currently part of the European Network on Individualized Psychotherapy Treatment of Young People with Mental Disorders (COST CA16102). She is the president for the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH) Malta branch. She is actively involved in the development of the national child and adolescent mental health services.
Total Lesson: 5
Introduction – Childhood anxiety and Depression