Snoring in children can affect their health
Children commonly snore from time to time and that is often harmless. But children with frequent snoring and breathing problems during sleep have an increased risk of having trouble concentrating and learning difficulties. A newly published study from Sahlgrenska Academy shows that many parents of children that snore are not aware of the possible risks associated with frequent snoring in children.
5 percent snoredA Swedish population study, that studied the occurrence of snoring and sleep apnea in 1300 children ranging in age from 0-11 years, found that approximately 5 percent of the examined children snored several times a week. Despite pronounced snoring, only about one third of the snoring children had sought medical help for their problem.
Reduced quality of life
“Children with persistent snoring often have a reduced quality of life. In particular, this applies to children who have sleep apnea,” says Gunnhildur Gudnadottir, Researcher at Sahlgrenska Academy.
“The study shows that awareness is low regarding the negative effects of breathing disturbances during sleep on children’s health and that most parents are not aware that this is something that should be investigated. An obvious result of the study is that we must consider how parents are given information about the condition and where they can seek help” says Gunnhildur Gudnadottir.
Can often be cured
The most common reason for snoring in children are enlarged tonsils or adenoids. In these cases, snoring can often be cured or reduced with surgery.
The Gothenburg researchers’ advice is that children with severe recurrent snoring and sleep apnea should turn to a healthcare center for medical evaluation.
Source: University of Gothenburg
Full bibliographic information:
Healthcare provider contact for children with symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing: a population survey; G Gudnadottira, A Ehnhagea, M Bendea, M Anderssona, A Cervina, L O Cardella, J Hellgrena; The Journal of Laryngology & Otology