Impact of inactivity on muscles more severe for older people
According to a recent study published in The Journal of Physiology, researchers have been able to document for the first time how the same period of inactivity has a greater and more severe impact on the muscle power of the lower limbs of the elderly…
Tackling Noncommunicable Diseases in Europe
Dr Gauden Galea, Director of Noncommunicable Diseases and Promoting Health through the Life-Course in the WHO Regional Office for Europe, talks to us about the response to the epidemic of NCDs in the fifty-three countries of this Region.
A kiss of death for prostate cancer
Hokkaido University researchers have uncovered a cellular protein that stabilizes a tumor promoting signaling pathway, suggesting a new target to treat prostate cancer.
Ten ways to prevent school refusal
Are you struggling with getting your child to school? Here is some advice on what you should do as a parent – and what you should not do.
Another test to help clinicians diagnose asthma more accurately
A meta-analysis published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings shows that fractional exhaled nitrous oxide (FeNO) is a good evidence-based adjunct test for asthma
How singing your heart out could make you happier
Singing in groups could make you happier – according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA).
Third of people not taking their prescribed diabetes medication due to side effects
Researchers from the University of Surrey examined in detail how likely 1.6 million people with Type 2 diabetes were to take their medication. The study combined data from clinical trials and observational studies looking at adherence rates for both tablet and injectable medicines.
The Hazards of Antibiotic Resistances Remain High
According to a survey among researchers, it is difficult to quantify the true extent of the hazards of antibiotic resistances to humankind.
Cervical cancer diagnoses and deaths to rocket in older women
Incidence of cervical cancer in young women is set to decline 75 per cent by 2040 with deaths close to eradicated, however older women will face greater risk according to research led by Queen Mary University of London, published today in The Lancet Public Health.
Is Chinese Massage an Effective and Cost-Effective Treatment for Chronic Neck Pain?
A new study evaluating a form of Chinese massage, tuina, in patients with chronic neck pain found it to be effective, safe, and cost-effective compared to no treatment. The study, which assessed intensity of neck pain, disability, health-related quality of life, medication use, and cost,…
Just 4,000 Steps a Day to Better Brain Health
Daily walks in older adults may improve memory and attention, study finds Walking more than 4,000 steps a day can improve attention and mental skills in adults ages 60 and older, according to UCLA research published December 12 in a preprint edition of the Journal…
Womb natural killer cell discovery could lead to screening for miscarriage risk
For the first time the functions of natural killer cells in the womb have been identified.