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Francesco Carelli, University of Milan   A visionary painter, printmaker and poet, Blake created some of the most iconic images in the history of British art and has remained an inspiration to artists, musicians, writers and performers worldwide for over two centuries. Online you can…

De Chirico in Milan

Francesco Carelli – University of Milan The Italian painter and writer Giorgio De Chirico was born in Volos (Greece) in an aristocratic Italian family. In 1906 he went to Italy, then lived in Florence, Milan, Ferrara, Rome, Venice and also abroad for some years, in Munich,…

Queen of Maltese Hearts

Kintsugi is Japanese art in which broken ceramics are meticulously mended with a lacquer resin mixed with gold or silver. This turns broken objects into magnificent pieces of art. Well, let’s hope that this pandemic makes us stronger and even more resilient to change. And…

Update on Avian Influenza

by Tanya Melillo Fenech MD MSc Resident Specialist Head, Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Unit Department of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention There were no new human cases of avian influenza A (H5N1) reported to WHO since 10th September 2008. A study done at Leicester University and…