Research in and from primary care
Francesco CarelliProfessor FM in Milan and RomeEURACT Council, Executive Board Although there have been many declarations describing the importance of primary care accepted through the world, the reason for the importance of research in primary care is not as well recognised.
Academic primary care in Europe: is development still possible?
Francesco Carelli Professor FM in Milan and Rome EURACT Council, Executive Board The function of primary care in the various countries in Europe differs in as far as the structure of health care is concerned.
Family Medicine development in the republic of Moldova – trends in European Education of Family Physicians
Natalia Zarbailov, MPH, PhD, Associate Professor, Family Medicine Department, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy”Nicolae Testemitanu”, EURACT Council member, Republic of Moldova Francesco Carelli, MD, MSc, Professor of Clinical Medicine and Elective Courses Family Medicine, University in Milan and in Roma, EURACT Director of Communications,…
A case of complex inter sphincteric perianal fistula with abscess cavity
Francesco Carelli, Professor of Clinical Medicine and elective courses in GP, University of Milan Giotta Attilio, internship student in GP, University of Milan Donatella Gambera, MD, University of Milan This case shows how the doctor / patient relationship can be optimal: a relationship based on…
How to create a positive practice environment and prevent burnout
Francesco Carelli Professor of Family Medicine Milan and Rome High rates of exhaustion and depersonalization are driving many family doctors to consider leaving practice, and this choice would exacerbate doctor shortages and affect patient care.
Functional patients in the daily practice of family doctors
Francesco Carelli Professor of Family Medicine, Milan, Rome, Cluj It’s generally accepted , as in the European Definition of Family Medicine, family doctors don’t take care only of illness, but also consider patients in holistic way. Because of this, we meet everyday functional patients, i.e….
Alzheimer, her family, her GP
A 73 years old woman, one of our patients, affected from Alzheimer’s disease since 2001, had an epileptic fit in the morning, a couple of hours after waking up. Her family called us and we went immediately to visit her at home, and while waiting…
When trust can change life: a case of Arnold – Chiari Syndrome
Carelli Francesco , Professor for Family Medicine, University of Milan Ioni Barbara , Intern trainee FM , University of Milan Censabella Federica, Intern trainee FM, University of Milan Mesina Marina, neurologist, Milan
Gianotti – Crosti syndrome: an example for good patient – doctor relationship
Francesco Carelli, Professor of Family Medicine, University of Milan Ioni Barbara, internship student in FM, University of Milan Censabella Federica, internship student in FM, University of Milan We present here a case which demonstrates how much important patient – doctor relationship is. Our practice was…
A GP’s timely action saved patient’s life
Carelli Francesco , Professor for Family Medicine, University of Milan Giotta Attilio, intern doctor FM, University of Milan Mesina Marina, neurologist, Milan In most recent times there is a trend to limit GP’s role – against his will – to a character managing bureaucratic tasks…
Italian GPs core competences and values on dismantling situation
Francesco Carelli EURACT Council Director of Communications EURACT BME Committee Chair Professor of Family Medicine
HEPATIC TRANSPLANT – The role of the Family Doctor
Carelli Francesco , Professor for Family Medicine, University of Milan Censabella Federica, intern trainee FM, University of Milan Colosimo Valentina , intern trainee FM , University of Milan Ferrario Guido, intern doctor, University of Milan Inzoli Irene, intern doctor trainee FM, University of Milan