Quantitative Statistical Analysis – 3-5th April 2019 @ Malta Life Sciences Park

Quantitative Statistical Analysis San Gwann, Malta
Endorsed by EBCOG and MIPS

The Write a Scientific Paper (WASP) is an intensive 3 day course that covers all aspects pertaining to writing a scientific paper: from proposal to data protection, data gathering, analysis, writing, dealing with editors and presenting one’s research. WASP’s uniqueness is its breadth, particularly the statistical analysis sections which are explained in an extremely simple manner.

WASP was created, and is run by Prof. Victor Grech along with other Maltese academics. Write a Scientific Paper is an international and unique course that has been successfully held in Malta in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2017, and in London in 2017.

Each iteration has led to fine tuning of the contents via feedback from successive attendees. The course deals not only with the writing skills and standards expected of rigorous and exacting academic work, but also with the epistemological and methodological underpinnings of this style of writing.

The statistics aspects are demonstrated by practical examples using real, published data within Excel an environment with which all researchers are familiar. Attendees will be expected to have Excel installed on their own laptops and will be given Excel add-ins that carry out tasks that Excel does not natively perform. Attendees will be expected to have used Excel and to have a good working knowledge of the software’s basic functions up to ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence), the computer literacy certification programme standard.
The purpose of WASP is to impart the highly experienced lecturers’ collective experience to the delegates in this crucial aspect of career progress.
All WASP events apply for 18 internationally valid EACCME points.

The next WASP Course will be held between the 3rd and 5th April 2019 at the Malta Life Sciences Park. For more information visit http://www.ithams.com/wasp/