UPDATE 2 Information regarding Valsartan containing products
The Superintendent of Public Health has just released the following
Consumption of Fast Food Linked with Asthma and Other Allergic Diseases
A new Respirology review and analysis of published studies reveals a link between fast food consumption and an increased likelihood of having asthma, wheeze, and several other allergic diseases such as pollen fever, eczema, and rhino-conjunctivitis.
Multivitamins do not promote cardiovascular health
Taking multivitamin and mineral supplements does not prevent heart attacks, strokes or cardiovascular death, according to a new analysis of 18 studies published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, an American Heart Association journal.
More important for heart patients to be active than thin
Increased physical activity, not weight loss, gives individuals with coronary heart disease a longer lease on life, according to a new study conducted at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Oxytocin also impacts cooperative decisions and conversation
The hormone oxytocin has long been known to play a role in the social bonds humans form. For the first time, psychology researcher Jennifer McClung and biology doctoral student Zegni Triki of the Center for Cognitive Science at the University of Neuchâtel demonstrate the…
Sleep Apnoea linked with changes to brain structure typical of dementia
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is associated with changes to the structure of the brain that are also seen in the early stages of dementia, according to a study published in the European Respiratory Journal [1].
Obesity affects prostate cancer test results
University of Adelaide research shows that the results of the most widely used test for prostate cancer may be affected by obesity.
Extended Tamoxifen Therapy May Increase Risk of Endometrial Cancer
There is clear evidence that extended adjuvant tamoxifen therapy for 10 years reduces local recurrence and improves breast cancer-free survival in women with oestrogen receptor–positive breast cancer.
Information regarding Valsartan containing products
As you know, over the past 48 hours there has been an evolving situation with regards to a number of valsartan containing products. The following is a list of resources which we feel are useful when guiding patients.
100 years from his death – Francesco Carelli , University of Milan
Combining antibiotics changes their effectiveness
The effectiveness of antibiotics can be altered by combining them with each other, non-antibiotic drugs or even with food additives. Depending on the bacterial species, some combinations stop antibiotics from working to their full potential whilst others begin to defeat antibiotic resistance, report EMBL…