Poor Diet Before Pregnancy Is Linked with Preterm Birth
University of Adelaide research has for the first time confirmed that women who eat a poor diet before they become pregnant are around 50% more likely to have a preterm birth than those on a healthy diet.Researchers at the University of Adelaide’s Robinson Research…
New Glasses May Increase the Risk of Falls in Older Adults
Blurred vision contributes to the risk of falling in older adults—but getting new glasses with a big change in vision prescription may increase the risk rather than decreasing it, according to a special article, ‘2013 Fry Lecture: Blurred Vision, Spectacle Corr & Falls in Older…
New study suggests chronic disruption negatively affects intestinal flora
A disruption of circadian rhythms, when combined with a high-fat, high-sugar diet, may contribute to inflammatory bowel disease and other harmful conditions, according to a recent study conducted by researchers at Rush University Medical Center. The study is online at the peer-reviewed, open-access journal, PLOS…
Healthy Diet Linked With Better Lung Function in COPD Patients
Sure, everyone knows a healthy diet provides lots of health benefits for patients with respiratory diseases, but now a new study has shown a direct link between eating fish, fruit and dairy products and improved lung function among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)….
Inhaler Reminders Dramatically Improve Asthma Controller Adherence
Reminders prompting asthma patients to take their control inhalers if they miss a dose significantly improve medication adherence, according to a primary-care based study conducted by a research team in Australia. In this six-month investigation, patients receiving reminders took on average 73% of their prescribed…
Nasal Bacteria May Be Predictor of Skin Infections
Bacteria found in the nose may be a key indicator for future development of skin and soft-tissue infections in remote areas of the body. Scientists have long known that a number of bacteria reside in the nose, and that those who carry the pathogen Staphylococcus…
Breastfeeding Initiation and Success Is Impacted by Diabetes Status of Mother
Women diagnosed with diabetes before or during pregnancy are less likely to initiate and continue breastfeeding their newborns than women without diabetes, a new study suggests. Led by clinician-scientists in The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and collaborating institutions, the findings point to areas…
AAN Issues Findings on Use of Medical Marijuana in Treatment of Certain Brain Diseases
A review by the American Academy of Neurology of available scientific research on the use of medical marijuana in brain diseases finds certain forms of medical marijuana can help treat some symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), but do not appear to be helpful in treating…
Reducing just 6 risk factors could prevent 37 million deaths
Reducing just 6 risk factors could prevent 37 million deaths from chronic diseases over 15 years Reducing or curbing just six modifiable risk factors—tobacco use, harmful alcohol use, salt intake, high blood pressure and blood sugar, and obesity—to globally-agreed target levels could prevent more than…
Today’s Statin Users Consume More Calories and Fat, and Weigh More
People who take statin drugs to lower their cholesterol appear to have developed a false sense of security that could lead to heart disease and other obesity-related illnesses. A new UCLA-led study suggests that people who took statins in the 2009–10 year were consuming more…
Reliance on voluntary sector support for suicide bereavement “unsustainable and inappropriate”
People bereaved by the suicide of a partner and mothers losing an adult child to suicide run a significantly higher risk of suicide compared to people bereaved after sudden deaths from other causes. The psychological impact on other members of the family is also serious:…
Aspirin Can Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risks for Those with Specific Gene
The humble aspirin may have just added another beneficial effect beyond its ability to ameliorate headaches and reduce the risk of heart attacks: lowering colon cancer risk among people with high levels of a specific type of gene. The extraordinary finding comes from a multi-institutional…