Low-Dose THC Can Relieve Stress; More Does Just the Opposite
Cannabis smokers often report that they use the drug to relax or relieve stress, but few studies provide clinical evidence of these effects.
Timing Meals Later at Night Can Cause Weight Gain and Impair Fat Metabolism
Timing Meals Later at Night Can Cause Weight Gain and Impair Fat Metabolism Findings provide first experimental evidence of prolonged delayed eating versus daytime eating, showing that delayed eating can also raise insulin, fasting glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels
Low Testosterone After Testicular Cancer Is Common, Linked to Chronic Health Problems
“We can now cure 19 out of 20 cases of testicular cancer, but a significant number of testicular cancer survivors have low testosterone, and that can affect other aspects of their health. Based on this study and others, clinicians should ask testis cancer survivors whether…
Pregnancy After Breast Cancer Does Not Increase Chance of Recurrence
“These data provide reassurance to breast cancer survivors that having a baby after a breast cancer diagnosis may not increase the chance of their cancer coming back. For many young women around the world who want to grow and expand their families, it’s very comforting…
Too Much Stress for the Mother Affects the Baby through Amniotic Fluid
If the mother is stressed over a longer period of time during pregnancy, the concentration of stress hormones in amniotic fluid rises, as proven by an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Zurich. Short-term stress situations, however, do not seem to have an…
Childhood obesity causes lasting damage to the body
Obesity in childhood has long term health implications stretching into adulthood, a new study in the journal Obesity Reviews reveals.
Mum and Baby Sleeping in Same Room Associated with Less Sleep, Unsafe Sleep Habits
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends parents keep babies in the same room with them to sleep for the first year to prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). But room sharing between babies and mothers beyond the first four months is associated with…
Simple Step to Protect People with Type 1 Diabetes Against Heart Disease
One additional injection of insulin three hours after eating has been shown to protect people with type 1 diabetes from cardiovascular disease – the leading cause of death among people with the condition.A small preliminary clinical trial published in Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research has…
TheSynapse Interview – Burnout in Health Care Professionals
Burnout in Health Care Professionals – YouTube Perhaps one of the most important eLearning videos for medical professionals in general.
Medical Teachers Appraisal . New challenge for European Family Medicine Teachers
Francesco Carelli Professor of Family Medicine EURACT Council Executive