Artemisia Gentileschi, leading female painter and female rights leader
By Francesco Carelli , University of Milan Two women are holding a man down on a bed. One presses her fist against his head, so he can’t raise it from the mattress, while her companion pins his torso in place. They are well-built with powerful…
Between Pocahontas and the only one surgeon survived
By prof. Francesco Carelli, University Milan, Rome At its height, the British Empire was the largest empire in history and the most influential global power. Originating with a few overseas possessions and trading posts, it grew to encompass dominions, colonies and protectorates rule and administrated…
Breastfeeding may reduce a mother’s heart attack and stroke risk
Breastfeeding is not only healthy for children, it may reduce a mother’s risk of having a heart attack or stroke later in life. A study of Chinese women found that the longer a mother breastfeeds, the greater the cardiovascular health benefit appears to be.
Being Overweight Linked to Longer Life in Older Diabetics
Among older patients with diabetes, those who are overweight or obese may have a lower risk of dying prematurely than their normal weight counterparts. The finding comes from a recent analysis of published studies.
Metastasised breast cancer: Surgery prior to drug treatment not beneficial
A new study from the ABCSG (Austrian Breast & Colorectal Cancer Study Group) indicates that women suffering from metastasised breast cancer do not benefit from surgery performed prior to drug treatment. This could cause a paradigm shift in treatment of the disease.
TheSynapse Interview – Common Skin Fungal Infections
In this eLearning programme we discuss the diagnosis and management of common fungal infections with Dr Michael Boffa. We also explore common pitfalls in the management of these common skin conditions.
Burden of Physical Health Conditions Linked to Increased Risk of Suicide
Chronic illness, even in patients with no record of mental health problems, raises suicide risk substantially, according to a new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine