A case of reactive arthritis: the proper recognition by hospital Medical Doctors of the work of GP
Carelli Francesco , Professor of Clinical Medicine and Elective courses in Family Medicine, University of Milan Giotta Attilio , MD intern for family medicine, University of Milan Inzoli Irene, MD intern for family medicine, University of Milan Ferrario Guido, MD intern, University of Milan
Lindsay-Hemenway Syndrome – Case Presentation
Carelli Francesco , Professor for Family Medicine, University of Milan Ioni Barbara , intern trainee FM , University of Milan Mesina Marina, neurologist, Milan
A complex case of proximal weakness
Analyzing the dynamics of patients’ access to a GP clinic, it is possible to rate the frequency of consultations: there are some patients going very rarely to their GP (one or less access in a year), and some others (so-called ” frequent attenders “) go…
Escher: the Self and inner mental structures
Francesco Carelli – University of Milan, Rome Escher is the ‘Pop’ Dutch genius whose visions have captured the imagination of designers and the minds of scientists, exerting a lasting influencing on many other artists. He was engraver, intellectual and mathematician whose visionary works have shaped…
Painting with Light: The tug-of-war between painting and photography
Experimenting with interiority, subjectivity, ideas of perception by Francesco Carelli, University Milan, Rome Tate Britain uncovers the dynamic dialogue between British painters and photographers; from the birth of the modern medium to the blossoming of art photography. Spanning over 70 years, this exhibition brings together nearly…
Alexander Caldér
By Prof. Francesco Carelli, University Milan, Rome Cirque miniatures, sculptures floating, drawing in space, coming from the roof, made of music and movement, able to make reflect Albert Einstein
Matisse: an Era ..a multi-personality
prof. Francesco CarelliUniversity of Milan, Rome “I have worked to enrich my intelligence and meet my mind’s various needs, striving with all of my being for an understanding of the different interpretations of art given by the ancient and modern masters.” Henri Matisse, ‘Notes d’un…
The Scapigliatura – The giant dwarfs. the kindred arts, madness outside of the madhouse
Prof. Francesco Carelli – University Milan, Rome In his novel “La Scapigliatura”, Cletto Arrighi describes a new social class, “ the century’s true pandemonium , personification of madness outside of the madhouse; reservoir of disorder, recklessness, the spirit of rebellion and opposition to all established …