For Kids with Both Asthma and Obesity, which Came First?
For years, doctors have known that there is a link between childhood obesity and asthma, but have found it difficult to determine which condition tends to come first, or whether one causes the other.
E-Cigarettes May Promote Illicit Drug Use and Addiction
Nicotine, no matter the source, may function as a gateway to marijuana and cocaine
Youth Who Have Used E-Cigarettes Report Greater Intent to Try Regular Cigarettes
A recent study by a Georgia State University scientist and her colleagues with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that youth who have never even touched a regular tobacco cigarette — but have ever used e-cigarettes — are more likely to report…
Study Compares Consequences of Teen Alcohol and Marijuana Use
The study found that for high school seniors, alcohol consumption led to unsafe driving and compromised relationships with peers, while marijuana consumption was found to compromise relationships with authority figures
Study Links Sex Hormone Levels in the Blood to Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
For First Time, Researchers Analyze Levels of Testosterone and Estradiol to Predict Patients’ Likelihood of Suffering Usually Fatal Condition, Take Another Step Toward Offering Preventive Treatments
Comparison of Named Diet Programs Finds Little Difference in Weight Loss Outcomes
In an analysis of data from nearly 50 trials including about 7,300 individuals, significant weight loss was observed with any low-carbohydrate or low-fat diet, with weight loss differences between diet programs small, findings that support the practice of recommending any diet that a patient will…
Most Consumers Don’t Know Their Daily Calorie ‘Budget’
Awareness of 2,000-calorie context could encourage healthier food choices
Study Links Skipping School, Failing Tests to More Sex, Less Condom Use in Teenage Girls
What do skipping school, failing tests and engaging in risky sexual behavior have in common? Lots, according to Indiana University researchers who combed through 80,000 daily reports written by 14- to 17-year-old girls.
What is Keeping Your Kids Up at Night?
Powering down at night will help young students power up during the day
Poor Health Habits Linked to Financial Insecurity
* People with low-incomes who felt they had money left over at the end of each month had healthier eating habits than low-income people who felt they couldn’t make ends meet.* Men with low incomes reported poorer eating habits, more sitting time and more smoking…
Oxidized LDL Might Not Be the “Bad Guy” In the Development of Plaque Inside Artery Walls, Research Suggests
A team of investigators from the University of Kentucky has made a thought-provoking discovery about a type of cholesterol previously believed to be a “bad guy” in the development of heart disease and other conditions.
Is Football Stress Hazardous to Fans’ Health?
Watching football and tailgating can negatively affect heart health in unexpected ways; learn why and get expert tips for healthier game days.