Editor’s Pick for Bookworms
When Impressionists were refugees in London
Francesco Carelli, University of Milan, Rome, Bari – Six paintings from Claude Monet’s famous Houses of Parliament series are on display at Tate Britain, being the largest group of Monet’s Houses of Parliament series seen in over 40 years.
Interactive Discussion on Valsartan
The Malta Medicines Authority in collaboration with the Superintendence of Public Health and the Department of Pharmacy University of Malta would like to cordially invite you to an interactive scientific discussion: THE VALSARTAN SAGA SCIENCE | MYTHS | REALITIES led…
100 years from his death – Francesco Carelli , University of Milan
The 39th World Medical & Health Games are coming to Malta
Sports Director Pierre Chicco talks Medigames with TheSynapse.
Keep saying yes to fish twice a week for heart health
A new scientific advisory reaffirms the American Heart Association’s recommendation to eat fish- especially those rich in Omega-3 fatty acids twice a week to help reduce the risk of heart failure, coronary heart disease, cardiac arrest and ischaemic stroke. The advisory is published in the…
CrossFit improves how people with type 2 diabetes can control blood sugar levels
New research published in Experimental Physiology has suggested a 6-week CrossFit™ exercise programme can lead to improved control of blood sugar levels and decreased risk of heart disease in people with Type 2 diabetes.
Be extra vigilant about heart attack symptoms during cold weather
Health systems should warn high risk patients by smartphone when cold weather is predicted
Cystitis treatment: back to the 1950s
Doctors are beginning to prescribe antibiotic treatments from the 1950s for benign infections to fight antibiotic resistance and preserve the effectiveness of newer antibiotics. But these “old” antibiotics were not tested in the same way as their modern counterparts before being put on the market,…
Review shows lack of evidence supporting use of antidepressants for insomnia
A rigorous review of research, led by the University of Southampton, has found there is not enough evidence to support the current clinical practice of prescribing antidepressants for insomnia.
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